Sunday, January 8, 2017

Thoughts of a LAZY AMBITIOUS

Image source: google




Day dreaming.

EVEN staring at the ceiling becomes interesting...

Thinking if there's such a high-paying job for lazy-people LIKE me.

People around me are busy-bees, stressed and cramming. They're beating the deadlines, ranting about how come they don't have anymore time for themselves. I don't understand why. I, too have so many things to do, office works, field works,graduate school requirements that were given months ago...PLANS. PLANS..PLANS.. NEVER-ENDING PLANS!
But I don't know why I am so relaxed though I know I have and I MUST do a lot of things. I don't understand myself. Is it because I don't have the WILL or I am just being a lazy-pig?

And now, while I am updating this BLOG, I must be writing my field report after our monitoring activity in the field but, here I am again face booking, internet surfing and just making eye-to-eye contact with my lappy. Maybe because I am losing my drive. I feel like I'm tired even if I've done nothing to make me feel it.

Have you ever felt UNMOTIVATED?

I go to work, go to school but I lose tract as to why am I doing it. All I know is that I should do it. I'm bothered, I become unhappy. IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS. But, it's hard to win a battle against YOURSELF.

Against your L-A-Z-Y SELF.

Many times, I thought of resigning from my work or quit school and be a certified lazy-pig. Yah, I know this is not a good idea that's why I'm still in the office now. :) I miss the  passion to work or maybe I should try something new? I don't know. Perhaps, to something where I really belong. (MAYBE?) But HOW!!!

There's one thing I know that I really wanna do but I'm BROKE! LOL. I was bitten by a TRAVEL BUG.I wanna be a certified wanderlust. Well, is it possible to be that ONE when you do not have something to fuel your bank account? HAHAHA.

Enough with this! 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Distance Learning Program Reflection

When office becomes boring, I look for something to do. And I found myself enrolling in a Distance Learning Program of the Civil Service Commission last May 2016. Let me share my 2-page reflection regarding the whole Program. For you to see how will it look like when you do it RUSH. You know...PROCRASTINATION! :)


“Whoever renders service to many puts himself, in line for greatness- great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation, and great joy.”
-      Jim Rohn

I never regret enrolling in the Distance Learning Program of the Civil Service Commission though at first, I find it hard sometimes to manage my time answering the cases due to my busy work. When I started reading the lessons on Norms of Conduct for Public Officials and Employees, especially on the details of Republic Act 6713, I was hooked and made me want to read more about it. Honestly, it was my first time to have readings on this law through this program. I was able to understand its beauty if only it is well-implemented in our Government Offices. Through this program, I was able to appreciate more the public service. Thinking the welfare of many over our personal interest is just the same as being a hero.
I was enlightened with the greatness of being on the civil service while reading the lessons and answering the cases on the different situation that will test how strong one is based on his/her integrity in rendering services. Yes, when we say commitment, we are bound not just intellectually but also emotionally to do our work in order to deliver our utmost service to the Filipino people. A public servant does not only doing the work for compliance, he/she works with dedication aiming to help for the betterment of society, and Philippine Government as a whole. Every action an employee does, no matter how small it is has a huge impact. If only these things are internalized by all of the employees, we could have a better country.

Also, the patriotism in me awakened. Honestly, I got sick of the kind of government we have, employees that are unfair, only favors of the rich and well-known in this world of “whom you know”. I remember doing a transaction in one of the government offices in our area, this didn’t happen to me, but I was able to witness how they treat the clients whom they think that are less educated, they shout at them because they could hardly get the instructions in filling out forms instead of teaching them how to do it. Is it the employees’ responsibility to give proper assistance? Maybe, they don’t treat this kind of individuals because they are just normal people. I was beginning to hate having transactions with the government offices due to slow services and unfair treatment but I have no choice because just like other Filipino citizens, we rely too much in our government. We need them and unfortunately, we are getting used to the services they offer. But, while completing this Distance Learning Program, I saw the beauty that lies behind the government offices, that there is still hope if these rules of conduct and ethical behavior in the civil service is instilled in our minds through our actions. I got inspired to work with the government and apply what I have learned in this program to the best of my ability. Just imagining a scenario where clients leaving government offices with a smile because they are satisfied with the transactions they’ve made with you feels great and moving. 

We are the mirror of our government and as a public servant, we must act according to the provisions of the law mandated by us with all our heart. These are the norms and conduct for the government employees that we must impart in our daily works under RA 6713 that were discussed in the program; First, COMMITMENT TO PUBLIC INTEREST, the core value that every employee should have. Working in the government means rendering services and using the government resources efficiently and only to be used for the public service. We should always set aside our own desires and maintain giving the best service for everyone. Second, PROFESSIONALISM which means one should not only bound to the kind of duty given to them. He/she must work with full excellence and should continuously work for personal growth and professional development in order to deliver work with excellence. We should not boxed ourselves and learn more things since learning is a continuous process and be dedicated with everything we do. Third, JUSTNESS and SINCERITY where we have to treat every client with fairness regardless of their status, and providing what they need by respecting their rights. We can’t deny the fact that injustice really happens around us especially to the poor and marginalized people. It is our responsibility as a public employee to somehow make them feel that they are not abandoned by the government, that they are given the right assistance in the government offices. POLITICAL NEUTRALITY is the fourth, it is the same with justness and sincerity but with emphasis to abstaining from any participation in the matters of political parties. Be neutral by not favoring any of the parties to avoid issues in carrying out our duties and responsibilities. People should receive services in the government promptly and giving the appropriate services they need by serving them properly. Government offices are coined as turtle-moving agencies in terms of processing that we must erase in our culture so, we must be quick to respond to the needs of the public thus, RESPONSIVENESS TO THE PUBLIC is the fifth norm. The employees should also project NATIONALISM and PATRIOTISM to the government by being proud of being a Filipino and patronizing our own resources, COMMITMENT to DEMOCRACY where we give importance to living in a democratic way, our voices are not only being heard but listened to. SIMPLE LIVING being the last norm is not only being simple in the way we dress but our way of life as a whole.

Yes, there is still hope in our government, we could still change the perception of others towards the public servants. But, most of all, change should start within ourselves.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The worst break-up

photo grabbed from

As a girl, we always have this one companion, not necessary our best friend, but can be a close friend, a best buddy in school or at work. You can say anything, everything what’s inside your mind and heart without hesitations, that friend is willing to listen to your clamors, your crushes, vice versa.
You do quarrel a LOT. Petty reasons. It’s a part of your daily routine. You annoy each other like sisters.But, fine again after a few minutes. You’re day is not complete in her absence. You are always in her side, wherever she goes, even on her personal transactions, you are always there beside her, like a shadow. People would even call you “twinnie” and you love it both!
Then one day, everything turns out into NOTHING.
Your smile became frown…
Your laughter became tears…
The sweet messages turns into ordinary…

You tried to divert your feelings, you tried to distance yourself for a while thinking she needed a break from her problems, that your presence would just make things complicated though you tried to help her from the start but for her you are not helping at all, that you are making the situation even WORST.

You don’t know her anymore and no matter how much you try to bring back the time when you both don’t care about the people around you, the pressure brought by them, you both don’t care about the negativity surrounding the two of you because what matters is that you have each other in facing the challenges, the laments of LIFE, she won’t come back from being the person you know. NOT ANYMORE. And then, you’ll ask yourself:

“What have I done? Or haven’t done to make things alright again? To make things to be what it used to be, to bring back our innocence about the world, to hear you giggle with my corny jokes, to see you smile with my unexpected sweet-nothings because I’m not that showy, to feel your hands holding mine saying you are always there for me.”

Yes, she said she will always be there for you but, where is she now? You will begin to question your worth. Are you not for keeps?  She, or maybe you both lost the friendship you’ve founded for years, she left you hanging, and she left you with all the PAIN, BURDEN and questions unanswered. Without further explanations as to HOW and WHY she did it. You don’t know what to do anymore because for you, you’ve done your part it’s up to her to consider holding on. But, because you are too attached to her,
Then, your biggest fear at that time happened.
She finally LEFT…
Not just emotionally but physically away from you.

You let her though the arrow of pain pierces inside you. Of course, you don’t have the right to stop her from doing what she wants, for you are nothing anymore in her life. She wants to be alone, she wants to face life and be with her own, without your shadow, without your never-ending guidance. But before finally leaving (for good), she said goodbye, hugs, tears and messages of both THANK YOU and FAREWELL. You thought everything is fine again, your friendship are into normal again before she leaves. So, you feel somehow happy and relieved.

Days of not being with her really feels something is missing in your system. You communicated with her to say you definitely miss her. To your surprise, she’s getting cold again. She’s different. She made you feel that she found new friends, she’s happy with her newly found friends.
She’s slowly losing contacts with you.
You tried to reach her out again in a social networking sites expressing how much you miss her, how much you value the things she left. She replied “You don’t have to keep everything”.


As if she’s not allowing you to enter in her new life anymore. You feel like you don’t have a sense to her.
Friendship break-up.Probably the worst of all break ups. You’re not just broken, you are SHATTERED.


You may not understand the flow of the ideas in this writing. Just like the writer here, she could hardly decipher what’s going on in her life.:)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

First Time in Eden

Indeed, best things happen when you least expect it. I always dream of exploring and fortunately, my mode of work never restricted me in doing both work and travel. I am even more thankful that, working in a Non-Government Organization allowed me to experience the beauty of EDEN NATURE PARK & RESORT located at Toril, Davao.

Let me put on blog everything. :)

Just wanna share my little wanderlust.

This is really what I love the most about Eden. There are lotsssss of perfect spot to take a post like a pro. :p

According to my research.

Eden Nature Park is the perfect place for relaxation with its clean and convenient cottages.
The holiday Inn were we stayed.

If you want to think deeply away from the noise, take a tour at their oh-so-beautiful flower garden that is very suitable for wedding and debut photography.

And if you want to taste the sweetness of Mangosteen or you are wondering how the tree looks like? They also have one!
Forest adventure? LOL
Speaking of food, in Eden I observed that they are serving fresh fruits and vegetables coming from their own GARDEN.

Tomatoes and many more!!!

Fresh fruits on the dining area.
If you are an adventurous person, you gotta try their SKY-CYCLING.

I will never forget my 3-day stay in Eden Nature Park and Resort. I would really love to visit again with my loved ones. In Shaa Allah

Monday, August 10, 2015


As an Non-Government Organization (NGO) staff, we do travel a lot depending on the project, and our area of implementation. Since it's my first blogging experience, gonna write about my travel in one of Sultan Kudarat Province's municipality, Palimbang. It is a coastal area in Mindanao. Actually, I went there not for just a trip or a vacation but, it's work-related. (ahem)

But then, I was able to enjoy the whole trip. You can get there, 3-hour drive from General Santos City.

Here are the captivating view of the Municipality.

You'll never get bored while on travel with their eye-catching beach, just along the side of the main road. Beach really captivates me if only I had enough time so I could bathe there.

The perks of having an office car? COMFORTABLE TRIP. With only me, alone at the back seat, taking selfies. Nyeeh..

And ofcourse, the highlight of my travel experience there, I was able to see with my own eyes the historic remains of the Mosque in Malisbong village, the historic massacre in 1970s. (Please, have time searching this controversial history for it will move you into tears.)

The facade of the Mosque in Malisbong Village

The Mosque's interior.
It is obvious that the villagers preserved the holy place so people won't forget the tragic history. While we were there, there's something I feel that I could not decipher what it is. Maybe it's a mixture of emotions. Our visit there triggered me to read and ask my parents about the HISTORY.

My travel buddies. Yes, I'm the Unica Hija. *winks*

If only I had a lot of time, I'm gonna explore more about this place. I consider going back here soon. In God's will so I could write more about this place on my blog.