Sunday, January 8, 2017

Thoughts of a LAZY AMBITIOUS

Image source: google




Day dreaming.

EVEN staring at the ceiling becomes interesting...

Thinking if there's such a high-paying job for lazy-people LIKE me.

People around me are busy-bees, stressed and cramming. They're beating the deadlines, ranting about how come they don't have anymore time for themselves. I don't understand why. I, too have so many things to do, office works, field works,graduate school requirements that were given months ago...PLANS. PLANS..PLANS.. NEVER-ENDING PLANS!
But I don't know why I am so relaxed though I know I have and I MUST do a lot of things. I don't understand myself. Is it because I don't have the WILL or I am just being a lazy-pig?

And now, while I am updating this BLOG, I must be writing my field report after our monitoring activity in the field but, here I am again face booking, internet surfing and just making eye-to-eye contact with my lappy. Maybe because I am losing my drive. I feel like I'm tired even if I've done nothing to make me feel it.

Have you ever felt UNMOTIVATED?

I go to work, go to school but I lose tract as to why am I doing it. All I know is that I should do it. I'm bothered, I become unhappy. IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS. But, it's hard to win a battle against YOURSELF.

Against your L-A-Z-Y SELF.

Many times, I thought of resigning from my work or quit school and be a certified lazy-pig. Yah, I know this is not a good idea that's why I'm still in the office now. :) I miss the  passion to work or maybe I should try something new? I don't know. Perhaps, to something where I really belong. (MAYBE?) But HOW!!!

There's one thing I know that I really wanna do but I'm BROKE! LOL. I was bitten by a TRAVEL BUG.I wanna be a certified wanderlust. Well, is it possible to be that ONE when you do not have something to fuel your bank account? HAHAHA.

Enough with this!